Inspiring excellence in massage therapy

We develop accreditation standards for massage therapy education and accredit massage therapy education programs in Canada.
Achieving CMTCA accreditation is a tangible representation of a program’s commitment to quality, ethics, safety, and ongoing improvement.
What is it?
Within the health care education context, accreditation means that an independent agency—CMTCA in this case—has determined that an education program meets or exceeds pre-defined standards for quality, safety, and ethical care.
Why does it matter?
CMTCA promotes continuous quality improvement and best practices in massage therapy education through accreditation. The process is a mechanism for quality assurance and continuing quality improvement for entry-level massage therapy education programs in Canada.
Most professions, particularly in the health sector, have a national accreditation process for their education programs, to ensure that graduates entering the profession are qualified and competent.
Some of the well-established benefits of accreditation include:
Patients having access to a common national level of service provision
Practitioners having more mobility as their skills are recognized across the country
Students having access to objective, third-party information about the quality of a program
Education programs having more access to educational resources
CMTCA’s rigorous standards and comprehensive accreditation process help education programs strengthen and improve the quality of the education they provide. Students of CMTCA-accredited programs can be confident that their training is helping them become qualified, competent, and caring health care professionals.